Sunday 27 March 2011

Solution to Tsunami's??

Have you ever tried to think of a solution to a problem and an idea popped into your head immediately?

The reason I ask is I have been watching the horror unfold in Japan after the Earthquake and Tsunami. The Japanese are experts at designing buildings to survive Earthquakes but the nature of a Tsunami means not much can be done to protect against them.

I'm waffling because my idea MUST have been thought of already, and has not been done, so I'm thinking it must be a stupid idea.


Okay, here goes ---- build houses on Pylons.

One Japanese town hit hard by the tsunami showed an Electricity pylon[?] right in the line of the wall of water as it came in. Everything around the pylon was destroyed, but, thanks to the gaping spaces between the pylons structure, the water ran right through it.

I googled 'houses built on pylons' and got nothing, but then I got bored :O)

With everything I have read and seen about the physics and technology used to combat these natural disasters no one has mentioned pylons??

I'll get my coat .............

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