Tuesday 18 December 2012

Ooh! Vicar!!

I was told yesterday that our lady vicar used to be a man which I think is pretty cool actually, but it got me to thinking about recent controversies regarding female Bishops.

Basically there are non, and a vote decided it should remain that way. 

Would our lady vicar be able to run for Bishop on the grounds that genetically she is and always will be a man? Also, how come the laws of sexual equality do not seem to apply to the church of England? Is Religion excluded from such things?

Purely from a law point of view, because I have no objections or moral dilemma over our lady vicar (good luck to her I say), I find it ironic that the church will accept a man now living as a woman - no matter how convincing they look - over a real woman.

No wonder congregations are dwindling. Isn't it time the C.O.E. adapted to the 21st century? God didn't write the Bible - a man did, probably many men over the centuries.

The core values of compassion, understanding, love and marriage do not need to be undermined. A Two thousand year old document that is not fit for purpose in these modern times is just a piece of paper. You serve the community. We don't serve you.

Friday 27 April 2012

Boss hires seven people... none turn up because of rain | The Sun |News

Boss hires seven people... none turn up because of rain | The Sun |News

Carl used recruitment and Jobcentre websites to fill his telemarketing positions that would have earned the workers £100 basic pay in the first two weeks..................... Fuck off Carl - you cheeky twat